
Having been asked in early 2014, as the Association’s Honorary President, to write an Introduction to the first edition of the Association’s ‘Loyalty’ Newsletter, now readily available here on the ‘Loyalty’ page, I am honoured to have been asked to write the Introduction to the Association on our website.

I wrote then that the greatest honour in my long Service career had been to command a squadron with such a unique spirit. In that same edition Wing Commander Mark Biggadike, who saw the deployment of the new Puma 2 helicopter into operational service in Afghanistan in 2015, accurately described 33 as a working squadron that had never blown its own trumpet, sought the limelight or bragged about its exploits. In May 2013, at the Consecration of the new Squadron Standard, Wing Commander Shane Anderson, said, “ …33 Squadron has a long and proud history which we should be rightly proud of. Our battle honours have been hard won and many members have laid down their lives so that we can enjoy the freedoms that we have today. The Squadron has existed in times of turmoil and will continue to do so. Our Standard displays our history and reminds us of these acts. As we look back at our history one factor has remained constant – that of change. We continue to adapt to change …. Our history will continue to guide us, but not bind us. We are bound by our people, because their actions, both on the ground and in the air are the history of 33 Squadron. As such it is fitting that our motto is ‘Loyalty’.”

This website signals a change … a change of focus in communicating with our audience that will allow past and present Squadron members to spread the word to a far greater audience in a much quicker manner than before. By centralizing our long history here in the website, along with our past and present achievements, we can show our members and the public that 33 is a squadron that throughout the years has always got on with the job with grit and efficiency, humbly and without complaint, thanks to the collective spirit of its people, the men and women who willingly go the extra mile without complaint or reward, who conquer challenges with quiet stoicism, who pull together in times of need.

I think I speak for all of 33 Squadron’s veterans and the Association members when I say that we each look back with pride at what we achieved together, at what the Squadron is achieving today, and with hope for a continuing and successful future. I am sure that those currently serving on 33 feel the same pride as we do, and justifiably so. This website has been created to allow 33’s ‘Past and Present’ to join in, share memories, show their loyalty to current members, and vice versa. I thank the Association Committee, Dode Dahroug and Gareth Attridge for setting up this website, I commend the concept to you all and I look forward to your input into this valuable archive for the future.

Paul Lyall
Air Commodore
President, 33 Squadron Association

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